Relax with a mini stress recess Chair massages don't just feel great--they can completely transform your day. Research shows that even a 20 minute massage in the middle of your…
Work hard, play hard, meet new people. On the 1st Friday of every month, Vibe Coworks opens free to everyone. It's the perfect way to finish the week strong, experience…
Wondering what all this talk about coworking is about? Come see for yourself! Already hooked? Enjoy a productive day at Vibe Coworks, on the house. On the first Friday of each month,…
Wednesday with the Deputy for Small Business is an opportunity for Industry partners to learn about doing business with the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Division, Keyport. Industry will learn…
This month's theme: August’s Theme is Pride.Pride is a celebration of our truest, radiant selves and a defiance against those who expect us to dim our own light. We live…
Join us for hot waffles, all your favorite toppings and morning hellos with your fellow Vibe members here in the Vibe kitchen. Grab and go, if you'd like, or stay…
Grab a friend and get ready to be moved by Nicole trimmer's New exhibit, Nature by design. The open house-style event is free and open to the public, and all…
Bring your lunch and join us for a lunch + learn about optimizing your health and performance with chiropractic Often Chiropractic is sought for pain relief of back pain. But Chiropractic…
Happy Birrrrtttthhhdddayyyy! Work is great and all, but sometimes you just have to stop what you're doing for a sec and celebrate this thing called *life*! Please join us in…
This month's theme: Additional details Coffee and breakfast will be provided. Please BYO coffee mug! About CreativeMornings CreativeMornings is the world's largest face-to-face creative community. Every month, CreativeMornings gathers in…
Bring your lunch and join us for a lunch + learn about how self-sabotage is holding you back from your health goals OPEN TO:Everyone! This event is FREE and open to everyone, whether…
Work hard, play hard, meet new people. About this event A long-standing Vibe tradition, First Friday Happy Hours are your chance to shake off the week, get to know…